Email Exchange Between Snowden and Humphrey
Former US Senator Gordon Humphrey Thanks Snowden for "Exposing Astonishing Violations of the US Constitution"; A tip of the hat goes to former two-term GOP
A partial list of the political class with DUAL CITIZENSH...
Anyone can look at the state of the US these days and understand that something has gone terribly wrong. What we're about to cover is the fact that the United
Behind the massive protests in Brazil:
40 million new taxpayers Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?"The giant awakened'' was a loud chant by over one million protesters who took to the streets of Brazil's
Bank of America employees TURN and TESTIFY AGAINST BOA
Bloomberg broke this story as a follow on to a Huff Post article that came out two days ago . 7 Bank of America employees are now giving whistle blowing
Doctors dump health insurance plans, charge patients less
A Kansas physician says he makes the same income and offers better quality care to his patients after he dumped all health insurance companies. Thirty-two-year
The REAL Reason Housing Prices Have Skyrocketed
Preface: In Part 1, we showed that mortgage applications are down, and it is really institutional investors driving the housing boom. Part 2 explains why.
In their latest victory a Pennsylvania Judge holds...
...that corporations are not persons. by Thomas Alan Linzey To protect small and family farms from industrial factory farming, over a decade ago a handful of
Canadian relief for Moore tornado victims denied at border
A Canadian shipment of relief goods bound for storm-ravaged Oklahoma has been stopped at the Canada-U.S. border in Windsor, Ont. American officials will not
Quote of the day by Dianne Feinstein
Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill and Government should prevent them from owning firearms" Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in
Monsanto and the Ron Paul Syndrome
A few days ago millions of people in hundreds of cities worldwide participated in protest marches against the Monsanto corporation. Were you aware of that? If
Illinois illegally seizes bees resistant to Roundup; kill...
The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees fromrenowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a searchwarrant and before the
Teacher Speaks Out,"Everything I Loved About Teaching Is ...
Parents aren't the only ones fed up with the education system in America. Teachers often get a bad rap for the failure of America's education system and its
Meanwhile, Big Investors Quietly Slip Out The Back Door...
... On Housing As "Stupid Money" Jumps In Last September, one of the original institutional investors in the housing-to-rent strategy, multi-billion hedge fund
World Bank Whistle-blower: ?Precious Metals To Serve As...
...An Underpinning For Paper Currencies" I had the opportunity yesterday to speak with one of the western world's most courageous and astute women, Karen
College Grads: It's a Different Economy
The economy has changed in structural ways; preparing for the old economy is a sure path to disappointment. by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds (May 3,
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