Inspired by PlanetPlanet's feed reader and aggregator and by Six Apart's Project Comet initiative, the Jurisdynamics Network presents the Jurisdynamics Network Orbiter. The Orbiter aggregates the latest posts from all of the Jurisdynamics Network's weblogs. The posts are presented in reverse chronological order so that visitors can see the freshest discussions of law in the context of societal and technological change. The Orbiter even has its own RSS feed, which you are invited to download by clicking here:. We hope that you enjoy the Orbiter and will visit often.
April 2, 05:33 PM / MoneyLaw / The Rosenbury Deanship and Class Bias
May 1, 07:33 PM / Ratio Juris / Goodbye ... and thank you.
May 1, 01:52 PM / Ratio Juris / Happy May Day! (International Workers’ Day)
April 26, 09:20 PM / Ratio Juris / Quarantine, Discretionary Time and Self-Realization: appalling unequal conditions and thus a dearth of opportunities for freedom
April 23, 01:05 PM / Ratio Juris / The Socialist Humanism and Psychoanalytic Critical Theory of Erich Fromm: Toward a Fresh Assessment
April 15, 01:20 PM / Ratio Juris / On President Trump’s dangerous decision to freeze funding of the World Health Organization (WHO)
April 14, 04:44 PM / Ratio Juris / Alternative and Complementary Medicine: a select bibliography (this post is not related to the coronavirus pandemic)
April 13, 02:03 PM / Ratio Juris / The three principal conditions of good (physical and mental) health
April 9, 01:22 PM / Ratio Juris / Paul Leroy Robeson (April 9, 1898 – January 23, 1976)
April 5, 12:09 PM / Ratio Juris / Friedrich Engels, the English working class, and incipient social epidemiology
April 2, 11:00 PM / Ratio Juris / Diseases, Epidemics, and Pandemics: Basic Reading
March 31, 12:46 AM / Ratio Juris / solitude, boredom … and spiritual exercises
March 29, 11:25 AM / Ratio Juris / The reckless, anti-democratic and pathological rhetoric of President Trump
March 6, 02:50 PM / Ratio Juris / Ten Essential Books on Contemporary Democratic Theory and Praxis
March 5, 10:59 PM / Ratio Juris / Teaching children about animals: “inconsistency” and “confusion mixed with hypocrisy”
February 28, 06:05 PM / Ratio Juris / The latest coronavirus outbreak in China: from epidemic to pandemic? (updated links)
February 27, 09:32 PM / Ratio Juris / William Godwin (1756–1836), 2: The harmful effects of opulence on political and legal institutions
February 25, 02:33 PM / Ratio Juris / William Godwin (1756–1836), 1: On obscene wealth and the evils of poverty
February 18, 02:32 PM / Ratio Juris / Toward recognition and appreciation of laudatory incarnations of communism
February 18, 12:16 AM / Ratio Juris / Is the Great Chinese Famine (1958-1961) of any relevance to the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic?
February 13, 01:03 PM / Ratio Juris / “Aside from questions of ethics and morality, torture is illegal. It’s also ineffective.”
February 11, 01:42 PM / Ratio Juris / The lamentable state of the Fourth Estate in increasingly brittle and would-be democratic polities
February 10, 05:23 PM / Ratio Juris / What is socialism? (part 1)
February 7, 01:37 PM / Ratio Juris / President Trump is well-versed in “projection” as a dark art of illiberal and anti-democratic rhetoric
January 27, 01:19 AM / Ratio Juris / Bible study (‘biblical literacy’) in public school classrooms
December 30, 02:06 PM / Ratio Juris / Attorney General William Barr acting on behalf of (Judeo-)Christian Nationalism
April 10, 01:04 PM / Commercial Law / When does "all" mean all? Parol Evidence and UCC 2-202
May 9, 12:46 PM / Agricultural Law / Toward New Models for the Scale and Practice of Agriculture, No. 4
April 10, 01:34 PM / Agricultural Law / Toward New Models for the Scale and Practice of Agriculture, No. 3
April 6, 01:17 AM / Agricultural Law / Toward New Models for the Scale and Practice of Agriculture, No. 2
April 2, 02:08 PM / Agricultural Law / Toward new models for the scale and practice of agriculture
March 28, 10:38 PM / Agricultural Law / Documentary on Dolores Huerta: “Dolores”
March 24, 11:20 PM / Agricultural Law / Famine: History, Causes, and Consequences — A Select Bibliography
March 24, 05:14 PM / Agricultural Law / Down on the Farm: Nostalgic Ideological Hegemony in the Service of Agribusiness, Big Data, and AI, or, Capitalist Agriculture and Country Music
October 4, 01:50 PM / Agricultural Law / “Animal Colonialism: The Case of Milk”
September 26, 01:45 PM / Commercial Law / Commercial Law Podcasts Now Available Through CALI
September 16, 03:23 PM / Agricultural Law / Ricardo Flores Magón, PLM, and the Labor Struggles of California Farmworkers
September 12, 01:25 PM / Agricultural Law / Rethinking Agricultural History
July 20, 01:11 AM / Agricultural Law / Agricultural Hegemony and Farm Workers
May 18, 05:47 AM / Agricultural Law / An Agribusiness Perspective on Farm Labor & Immigration