» Geometric structures on the quaternionic unit ball and slice regular M\"obius transformations
26/07/24 20:46 from math.CV updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2402.13175v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Building from ideas of hypercomplex analysis on the quaternionic unit ball, we introduce Hermitian, Riemannian and K\"ahler-like structures on the latter. These are built from the so-ca...

» Irreducible decompositions of tensors via the Brauer algebra and applications to metric-affine gravity
26/07/24 20:46 from math.RT updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2407.18019v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In the first part of this thesis, we make use of representation theory of groups and algebras to perform an irreducible decomposition of tensors in the context of metric-affine gravity. I...

» Invariant kernels on the space of complex covariance matrices
26/07/24 20:46 from math.FA updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2404.02169v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The present work develops certain analytical tools required to construct and compute invariant kernels on the space of complex covariance matrices. The main result is the $\mathrm{L}^1\...

» On the desingularisation of moduli of principal bundles
26/07/24 20:46 from math.RT updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2407.18079v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In \cite{nr} Narasimhan and Ramanan and in \cite{desing}, Seshadri constructed desingularisations of the moduli space $M^{ss}_{_{\text{SL}(2)}}$ of semistable $\SL(2)$-bundles on a smooth...

» Osterwalder-Schrader axioms for unitary full vertex operator algebras
26/07/24 20:46 from math.RT updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2407.18222v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Full Vertex Operator Algebras (full VOA) are extensions of two commuting Vertex Operator Algebras, introduced to formulate compact two-dimensional conformal field theory. We define unitar...

» Manifolds of continuous BV-functions and vector measure regularity of Banach-Lie groups
26/07/24 20:46 from math.FA updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2407.05190v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We construct a smooth Banach manifold BV$([a,b], M)$ whose elements are suitably-defined functions $f:[a,b] \rightarrow M$ of bounded variation with values in a smooth Banach manifold $...

» Specialization map for quiver Grassmannians
26/07/24 20:46 from math.RT updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2206.10281v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We define a specialization map between cohomology algebras of quiver Grassmannians of Dynkin type and we prove that it is surjective in type A. This generalizes a result of Lanini and S...

» A generalization of Krein`s extension formalism for symmetric relations with deficiency index (1,1)
26/07/24 20:46 from math.FA updates on arXiv.org
arXiv:2407.07491v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Let S be a symmetric relation with deficiency index (1,1). In this article, we extend Krein`s resolvent formalism in order to describe all, not necessarily self-adjoint, extensions $S \...

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