Jan 17 HUD Ranked Among Top Agencies for Employee and Customer Experience
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a top ten federal agency for employee and customer experience, based on results from a new study by the Partnership for Public Service.
Jan 17 Biden-Harris Administration Awards nearly $3.6 Billion in Homelessn...
WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced nearly $3.6 billion in Continuum of Care (CoC) program awards for nearly 7,000 projects that provide housing assistance and supportive services to people expe...
Jan 16 HUD Charges Homeowners' Association with Race and Color Discrimination
WALDORF, MD - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced today that it is charging a homeowners association with housing discrimination for enacting rules designed to effectively remove Black residents utilizing housing c...
Nov 29 Temporary Loan Limits as a Natural Experiment in FHA Insurance
Nov 29 Evaluation of the Rapid Re-housing for Homeless Families Demonstrat...
Nov 29 Rapid Re-housing for Homeless Families Demonstration Programs Evalu...
Nov 29 The U.S. 20/20 Habitat III Report
Nov 29 Evaluation of HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Summary: ...
Nov 29 Evaluation of HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD): Interim ...
Nov 29 Addressing Housing Insecurity and Living Costs in Higher Education
Nov 29 Research Symposium on Gentrification and Neighborhood Change
Nov 29 The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling Demonstration: Ea...
Nov 29 Housing Counseling Works
Jul 16 Helping Renters Afford Their Homes
Will Fischer highlighted the need to rebalance federal housing policy to better support low-income renters.
Dec 31 Senate Confirms Galante as FHA Commissioner
Carol Galante has been confirmed as assistant secretary for housing and commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration.
Mar 26 Rent History Emerging as Key Data
Companies are collecting rental payment history to help evaluate potential residents.
Mar 25 Moody’s Issues Negative Outlook for HFAs
HFAs will continue to be challenged by several factors, including low interest rates on investments.
Mar 21 New Survey Measures Multifamily’s Fragmentation
A new survey by HUD and the Census Bureau shows just how much of the industry is run by smaller owners, while providing metrics around financing issues.
Mar 20 Bill Seeks Funds for Housing
The Common Sense Housing Investment Act would replace the mortgage interest deduction with a credit to provide resources for affordable housing.
Mar 20 Housing Finance Vets Launch Firm
Greg Judge, Mike Caliva, and Catherine Talbot are partnering in Affordable Investment Advisors.
Mar 12 What Will Tax Reform Mean for the LIHTC?
Experts weigh in on what potential tax reform could mean for the future of the low-income housing tax credit.
Mar 12 Affordable Housing Leaders Rally for LIHTC
With the threat of tax reform, industry stakeholders have ramped up efforts to advocate for the low-income housing tax credit.
Jan 8 Multifamily Building Stock Could Save $9 Billion With Energy Benchm...
New report shows U.S. multifamily housing stock has potential energy savings of $9 billion.
Jan 8 Congress Extends NMTC
New Markets Tax Credit awards are expected to be announced in April.
Jan 7 Project Tracker 4Q2012
View the affordable housing groundbreakings and project openings from the fourth quarter of 2012.
Jan 4 112th Congress in Review
The National Low Income Housing Coalition reviews significant bills related to its policy agenda.
Jan 4 TCAC Posts Latest LIHTC Proposals
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has posted its final proposed 2013 regulation changes.
Jan 4 Sipe Named to Head IHCDA
J. Jacob Sipe has been with the agency since 1999, and his role as executive director will start Jan. 14.
Jan 3 Fiscal Package Brings Victory for LIHTC
Congress’ fiscal cliff package, agreed upon late Jan. 1, included an extension of the 9 percent floor for the LIHTC.
Jan 2 North Dakota Capitalizes $15 Million Housing Incentive Fund
More than 600 private investors contributed to a program helping to bring affordable housing to the state's booming oil country.
Nov 27 Debt Market for Bond Deals Fleshes Out
The debt market for tax-exempt bonds has certainly come a long way since the depths of the recession, said panelists at the recent AHF Live conference.
Jul 12 Schweikert commentary: Mortgage seizure plan is bad idea
Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., argues that the use of eminent domain to seize home loans in an effort to help underwater borrowers is the wrong way forward. "Putting aside the unconscionable idea of government seizing investments from free market...
Jul 2 GAO Says Agencies Could Improve Effectiveness of Foreclosure Mitiga...
Historically high foreclosure rates remain a major barrier to the current economic recovery. To assist policymakers and housing market participants in evaluating foreclosure mitigation efforts, the Government Accountability Office has issued a rep...
Jun 27 Expiration of 9 Percent Fixed Rate Looms
Time is counting down on the fixed 9 percent rate for low-income housing tax credits.
Jun 27 HUD Fiscal 2013 Budget Battle on the Horizon
The House Appropriations Committee approved a fiscal 2013 appropriations bill for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, setting up a potential showdown with the White House.
Jun 20 In the Home Stretch: The US Housing Market Recovery (BlackRock)
About three dozen BlackRock portfolio managers and public policy executives recently debated the outlook for the US residential housing market at the BlackRock Investment Institute’s US Housing Forum.
Jun 15 Housing’s Latest Dilemma: Affordability Worsens as the Market Mends
The Joint Center for Housing Studies’ latest report points to rising rents and unemployment as culprits.
Jun 14 The State of the Nation's Housing 2012
Housing markets are showing signs of reviving, concludes 2012 The State of the Nation’s Housing.
Jun 14 Abandoned Homes Plague Cities - It Takes Money to Level Them
Census figures released Thursday underscore the problem: In places racked by foreclosure, job loss and a weak economy, housing units haven't fallen as fast as population.
Jun 14 Census Releases New County Housing Unit Estimates
New figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau show changes in total housing units throughout the country over the past year. In terms of raw change, Texas had by far the largest year-over-year increase, with more than 121,000 units added...
Jun 8 Housing-First Project for Homeless Cuts Local Costs
A Los Angeles County study of homeless adults housed by the County’s Project 50 suggests providing permanent housing to chronically homeless people saves local governments money.
Jun 6 DiNapoli: NYC Veterans Missing Out on Housing
Few veterans living in New York City have benefited from a state law giving them preference when applying for apartments in Mitchell–Lama housing developments, according to an audit released Wednesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.
May 15 Needy States Use Housing Aid Cash to Plug Budgets
Some states are diverting their share of a $2.5 billion they were awarded in a mortgage settlement, money intended to help homeowners and mitigate the effects of foreclosures.
Nov 22 HUD Sustainable Communities Grants Awarded to 56 Communities and Re...
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded its 2011 Sustainable Communities Grants, amounting to nearly $96 million, to 27 communities and organizations and 29 regional areas nationwide this week. Two types of grants were a...
Nov 20 $1B homeowner program mainly benefited 3 states
A $1 billion federal program to help distressed homeowners in much of the country mainly helped people in just three states - Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut - and very few in some others, according to preliminary figures from the Departme...
Oct 31 N.Y. Court Rejects Countrywide Consolidation Motion
The New York Supreme Court late Monday denied Countrywide and Bank of America’s motion to consolidate various claims against them made by four bond insurers led by MBIA Insurance Corp.
Oct 25 FHFA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Announce HARP Changes to Reach Mor...
The Federal Housing Finance Agency, along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises), have announced a series of changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) in an effort to attract more eligible borrowers who can benefit from re...
Sep 13 Bank of America ramps up foreclosure processing
Bank of America sent out significantly more notices of default to struggling homeowners in August than it did in previous months. "It should be noted it's driven more in key states like California and Nevada than overall, and certainly the progres...
Sep 8 Lawmakers seek extension of limit on government-backed loans
A bipartisan group of dozens of lawmakers want to extend rules that allow for mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be as high as $729,750. If Congress does not take action, the cap will return to a maximum of $625,500 starting Oct...
Sep 6 Congress After the August Recess: A Look Ahead
The Senate must work quickly to address the approaching September 30th deadline of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In July, the House overwhelmingly passed the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011, which would provide a five-year extens...
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